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It is natural mineral based form of & Silicon which is used as soil application & rich in silicon containt (SiO2 70 to 75%). It helps in increasing uptake of N.P. & k as well as improving soil health. It is very good for alkaline soils & sandy loam soils. It is available in 40 Kg powder as well as in granulation form.
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Vedant Greensils (kaolin)

Vedant Greensils (kaolin)

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It is Kaolnite based silicon in powder form, which contains 95% silica compound. It is purified & sterilized so that it has no side effects and easily dissolve in water. It can be use for foliar spraying as well as through drip irrigation system. Dose: 3 to 5 gms per liter of water for spraying  and 2 kg per acre through drip system.
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Vedant Orthrosil

Vedant Orthrosil

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It is formulation of silicon acid in liquid form as plants absorbs silicon only in silicic acid form, it is readily available Silicic Acid for plants for quick adsorption and immediate results. Foliar as well as drip application.
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Vedant Microsil

Vedant Microsil

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It is also a formulation of silic acid in powder form, which contains 40 to 50% silicic acid, fully water valuable and can be given as foliar application or through drip system.
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Vedant Virosil

Vedant Virosil

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It is natural organic form of plant protector, which prevents attack of virus on crops like, Tomato, Chilli, Banana, Bhendi etc. It consists of Eugenol, Thymal Proteins,  Carboxylic Acid etc. It gives better results when used as preventive against virus attack.  
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Vedant Growsil

Vedant Growsil

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It is a natural organic form of plant growth promoter which consists of potassium with Botanical nutrients, marine proteins and animal proteins along with Amino Acid.
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Vedant Phytosil

Vedant Phytosil

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It is a organic certified plant protector for controlling many fungal diseases on vegetables and fruits. It contains Eugenol proteins,  Carboxylic Acid & Sodium Salts.
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